Wednesday, June 27, 2012

Collective Nouns

What is a Collective Noun?

Collective nouns denote a group of people, objects, ideas, or animals as a single concept. Though the collective noun refers to more than one in a group, the noun itself is considered a single thing.

List of Collective Nouns

The following nouns are among the most common collective nouns.

Army                 Audience                       Band                             Board

Cast                   Class                            Committee                   Company

Crowd               Family                          Faculty                          Group

Jury                    Navy                            School                           Society

Staff                    Team


  1. 1.Army- soldier
    2. Audience- group of people listing
    3. Band- Musicians
    4. Board- members
    5. Cast- group of actors
    6. Class - students
    7. Committee – group of member
    8. Company- group of employee
    9. Crowd- assembly
    10. Family- group of people
    11.Faculty- group of teachers
    12. Group- amount of people
    13. Jury – group of people make judgement
    14. Navy- soldiers
    15. School- fish
    16. Society-group of people with similar ideas
    17. Staff - group of employee
    18. Team- players

    1. Good work Yamari.
      9. Crowd is a group of people.
      Assembly is also a collective noun.

  2. List of Collective Nouns

    1. Army - (soldier)

    2. Audience - (group of people listing)

    3. Band - (musicians)

    4. Board - (members)

    5. Cast - (group of actors)

    6. Class - (students)

    7. Committee – (group of member)

    8. Company - (group of employee)

    9. Crowd - (assembly)

    10. Family - (group of people)

    11. Faculty - (group of teachers)

    12. Group - (amount of people)

    13. Jury – (group of people make judgement)

    14. Navy - (soldiers)

    15. School - (fish)

    16. Society - (group of people with similar ideas)

    17. Staff - (group of employee)

    18. Team - (players)

  3. 9. Crowd is a group of people.
    Assembly is also a collective noun.
