Monday, July 2, 2012

Work Outside of Classroom

1.  Don't forget to work on your Grammar Module.
      Place all the copies in a folder.

2.  Writing Log #1 for your Journal.
      Look at the video clip and reflect on why it's important to learn English.
      Minimum 8 sentences.
3.  Start thinking about the video diaries.  Hopefully we will be able to start the recordings         


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    2. Why it’s important to learn English

      It’s really important to learn more than one idiom. You never know when you need to help someone, go to vacation to another country, or maybe you need it for your work.
      The video is really funny. When you start watching the video you can see the new guy he doesn’t understand too much or he doesn’t speak English, he looks so nerves. The person in the ship or in the boat asking for help. Because, he understood think, when the real word is sink. I believe you never are too old for learning. For me learning is so fun and the same time it’s interesting. Do you know how I feel when I understand a movie, a book or someone talking to me, because I feel all some? Learning is good for everybody, the smart guy in the world never stop learning.

    3. True.
      I enjoy the video too. Even though the clip is funny, there is a truth behind the joke. If we don't learn the universal language, which is English, we might not be able to communicate in a moment of despair.

    4. Why it's Important to Learn English

      It 's true, the video is funny on one hand but on the other is inrresponsable. Because this is a job where lives are at risk of others constantly. Why take a job where you are not layers to solve a problem where a minute is life or death and a word of help is so vital, for me it stops being funny. In these times we live knowing English is important, because it crosses borders. Enables you to manage in any place or work, either at present or in the future. Besides it makes you feel useful for helping others or yourself to understand another language is to serve and serve yourself. That was one reason why I have decided to learn English. To understand my family and friends, get a better job and to prove to myself I can do it.

    5. Why it's important to learn English

      The English in life is very important. It is a tool that supplements the human being. Sometimes when you're a child or teenager, we think the language is so important in our country. Until you become an adult and start in the labor field, there you realize the true IMPORTANCE of English. Besides the bilingual person has the opportunity to get a good job. In the works at times take into consideration that are bilingual. It also allows you to speak fluently better. As someone helps you feel more prepared. In order to English for me is really important to my daily life, for that reason I decided to start studying the English language.
