Wednesday, March 14, 2012

Popular Sayings

What do the following popular sayings or idioms mean?

1.  Enrique is under the weather today.                            ________________________________

2.  Jaime has a chip on his shoulder.                                ________________________________

3.  The grass is greener on the other side.                        ________________________________

4.  Money doesn't grow on trees.                                    ________________________________

5.  The bride got cold feet at the altar.                             ________________________________

6.  Nelly has a runny nose.                                              ________________________________


  1. 1)He is not feeling well
    2)Looking for trouble
    3)what the other people have is better
    4)to get money you need to work
    5)she dosen't to get married
    6)she has a colder allergie

  2. 1. He no feeling well
    2. Problematic
    3. The other people have better
    4. To get money you need to work
    5. She doesn't want to get married
    6. She has the cold allergic

  3. 1.Is not feeling wheel.
    2.Truoble maker.
    3.What the other people has it better.
    4.Money is don't come easy.
    5.She doesn't want to get married.
