Monday, March 12, 2012


Hello Students
This is just a friendly reminder:
  PRON test will be given on Thursday, March 15, 2012
      past simple tense
      (t) (id) (d) endings
       1-4 syllable division


  1. Post five superstitions you have heard of.

  2. 1.The mirror in the front door of the house; for left the negative out.
    2.The end of the rainbow find of pot full of gold; you gone be rich.
    3.The San Juan Bautista night people throu them self few times to the beach water; for take out the bad luck.
    4.Hit your elbows; some one do you love is coming to visit you.
    5.Make love in the car; that give you bad luck with your car.

  3. 1)See a black cat cross on your way
    2)When you walk down the leader
    3)When the mirror crash you have 7 years bad luck
    4)When you see a butterfly someone death
    5)Knock on wood is for good luck

  4. 1.Hope means good luck.
    2.The black butterfly means death.
    3.The little lizard means a one women pregnant.
    4.Step the cat with the car means seven years bad luck.
    5.Walk under the ladder is bad luck.
