Tuesday, April 10, 2012


Instructions: Match the words to the correct definition. A definition will not match any of the words.
1. dew                        a. a rule
2. pew                        b. emerald, ruby,...
3. anew                      c. a mammal, similar to a horse
4. stew                       d. the cry of a baby
5. sewer                     e. underground conduit
6. brew                      f. drops of water
7. curfew                   g. a bench
8. jewel                      h. the sound of a kitten
9. shrew                     i. small mammal, similar to a mouse
10. few                       j. soup
11. mewl                   k. to make ale or beer
12. mule                    l. a fungus
13. mildew                m. do again
                                  n. small amount


  1. 1.dew= f.drops of water
    2.pew= g.a bench
    3.anew= m.do again
    4.stew= j.soup
    5.sewer= e.undreground conduit
    6.brew= k.to make ale or beer
    7.curfew= a.a rule
    8.jewel= b.emerald, ruby
    9.shrew= i.small mammal, similar to a mouse
    10.few= n.small amount
    11.mewl= h.the cry of a baby
    12.mule= c.a mammal, similar to a horse
    13.mildew= l.a fungus

  2. 1. dew- (f) drop of water
    2. pew- (g) a bench
    3. anew- (m) do again
    4. stew- (J)soup
    5. sewer- (e) underground conduit
    6. brew- (k) to make ale or beer
    7. curfew - (a) a rule
    8. jewel- (b) emerald, ruby...
    9. shrew- (h) the sound of a kitten
    10. few- (n) small amount
    11. mewl- (d) the cry of a baby
    12. mule- (c) a mammal, similar to a horse
    13.mildew- (l) a fungus

  3. This is Maria's work

    1-dew=(f)drop of water
    2-pew(g)a bench
    3-anew=(m) do again
    s-sewer(e)underground conduit
    6-brew=(k)to make ale or beer
    7-curfew=(a)a rule
    9-shrew=(i)small mammal,similar to a mouse
    10-few=(n)small a amount
    11-mewl=(d)a cry to the baby
    12-mule=(c)a mammal, similar to a horse
    13-mildew(l)a fungus

    1. I'm glad you were able to post your work. Very good.

  4. 1.dew= f.drop of water
    2.pew= g.a bench
    3.anew= m.do again
    4.stew= j.soup
    5.sewer= e.underground conduit
    6.brew= k.to make ale or beer
    7.curfew= a.a rule
    8.jewel= b.emerald,ruby
    9.shrew= i.small mammal, similar to a mouse
    10.few= n.small amount
    11.mewl= d.the cry of a baby
    12.mule= c.a mammal, similar to a horse
    13.mildew= l.a fungus
