Wednesday, September 19, 2012

Topic Sentence: Paragraph writing

Instructions:  Look at the photograph.  Read the topic sentence and complete a paragraph using supporting details.
I'll never forget the events that occurred the first night I met my best friend, Kanchana, in Africa.


  1. Isn't she beautiful?
    I think she will be the next Miss Universe 2012.

  2. I'll never forget the events that occurred the first night I met my best friend, Kanchana, in Africa. I decided to go to Africa because I wanted to discover its beauties. On the first night in the city, I was enjoying a show of exotic dancers. I was drinking a Kahluha. Then, I went on the dance floor to do the Lambada, when I bumped into someone. I apologized to the person. And that is how I met my best friend, Kanchana. I liked the look of my friend. She was funny, sexy and conceited. Her fashion look was contagious. I began to dress and look like her. I liked her makeup, her jewelry and outfits. My friend and I had a lot of fun. We had a party and invited my friends Yamary and Shaymil. We went shopping, to the movies and the beach

  3. I'll never forget the events that occurred the first night I met my best friend, Kanchana, in Africa.

    All my life I have dreamed with vacationing in Africa. But I never imagined that the vacation would be an Adventure like that. The first day I was so excited we visited Mosi-oa-Tunya National Park the animals, the view, everything was beautiful. On the second day my husband and I went to the Victoria water fall located in southern Africa on the Zambezi River between the countries of Zambia and Zimbabwe. My husband broke his right knee. I began to look for help. I found this lady I didn’t even know her name, but she helped me a lot.

    We went to the hospital; there the doctor told us he had to operate right away. My husband’s knee was broken. I cried I didn’t know what would happen. I was really far from home. How long was this going to take? The social worker from the hospital came to me and talked to me and she said not to worry; that everything was going to be ok. The hospital was going to cover all the expenses. I felt a little bit better but I was still worried about my husband. I sat, when this lady came to me and said: “Can I help you?” I looked at her. It was the same lady that helped us before. I said thank you for everything you have done for us. My husband will soon start to take physical therapy. I never imagined I would have to be in Africa for months. Every day, this kind lady came and asked us how he felt.

    Time passed and the lady became our best friend, her name was Kanchana. She lived in South Africa and was a very important woman. She traveled around the world trying to teach how important the wild life, culture (folklore), the rainforest, and her people’s needs. In Africa, the kids are hungry. There is no drinking water, and many more things. During the time I was in Africa, I learned about the 54 countries that the continent is composed of. The people her speak over 1,000 languages.

    We and Kanchana didn’t meet in the best situation, but she really was a kind woman. She gave us a place to stay and became our friend. After we returned to Puerto Rico, she has come to visit us twice every year. We visited her one year. She is a happy person always smiling. I love when she comes to visit us. Kanchana always has a new adventure to tell.
    I understand she is doing an important job. But I am so glad to have met her. The vacation was not only to see the beauty of Africa. It also brought us an amazing friend that I love to share my life and friendship with.
