Monday, May 7, 2012

Collocations on Vacation

Read the following collocations related to Vacation Time.  Write a sentence for 6 of the following collocations:
Example:  Isabel applied for a tourist visa before going to Spain last summer.
tourist visa
family outings
tourist trap
holiday romances
tourist attraction
tourist class
economy class
go sight seeing
road trips
buy souvenirs
take pictures
traveller’s cheques



  1. Collocations on Vacation

    This honeymoon is like holiday romances.
    Buy few ticket an economy class, for the next flight.
    Pepe buy souvenir on the road trip from Canada to Florida.
    My children take pictures from every wear they went.
    Go to the bank and pick the traveller's cheques for the vacation.

  2. Good
    Be careful with verb tenses.

    Buy few ticket on economy class, for the next flight.
    Pepe bought souvenirs on the road trip from Canada to Florida.
    My children took pictures everywhere they went.
    Go to the bank and pick the traveller's cheques for the vacation.

  3. Collocations on Vacation

    tourist visa
    family outings
    tourist trap
    holiday romances
    tourist attraction
    tourist class
    economy class
    go sight seeing
    road trips
    buy souvenirs
    take pictures
    traveller’s cheques

    1.I need request a tourist visa.
    2.I like family outings.
    3.Most hotels are tourist trap.
    4.I want holiday romances.
    5.I like go to tourist attraction.
    6.I would like to study tourist class.
    7.I travels in the economy class on the plane.
    8.We are going sight seeing.
    9.My family makes road trips a lot.
    10.I need buy souvenirs.
    11.We all have to take pictures of the trip in France.
    12.Today I requested the travelers checks at the bank.

  4. Collocations on Vacation
    Read the following collocations related to Vacation Time. Write a sentence for 6 of the following collocations:
    Example: Isabel applied for a tourist visa before going to Spain last summer.

    1. A inmigrant need a tourist visa for the another city.

    2. Im goin to a family outings.

    3. My Profesor wen to a tourist trap at a Rio Grande Hotel.

    4. In my second honey moon I engoy a holiday romances.

    5. The Conquistador Hotel is a tourist attraction.

    6. The tourist class visit the island every summer.

    7. I like travel in plane in economy class for extended my money.

    8. Went I go sight seeing to the musseum in Boston City.

    9. I went on road trips for New Jersey to Filadelfia.

    10. In my travel to Boston I buy souvenirs from my sons.

    11. I took pictures from my trip to Paris.

    12. I but the traveller’s cheques before I went on the trip.
