Thursday, August 9, 2012

Compare and Contrast

Find the differences between these two pictures of Frosty the Snowman. Write complete sentences for each difference.


  1. Compare and Contrast

    1. The bird is red. (blue bird)
    2. The broom is long. (short broom)
    3. The broom have tight lines. (wide lines)
    4. The nose is long and pointed. (small nose and round)
    5. The mouth is open wide. (small mouth)
    6. The snowman have three bottom. (two bottom)
    7. The trees are taller. (shorter trees)
    8. The hat had seeds on it. (no seeds)
    9. Is a lot smoke out of the cheminea. (some smoke)
    10. The window no had light. (window has light)
    11. The paws of the dog are white. (paws brown)
    12. Track on the way. (no track)

  2. Compare and Contrast

    1.The bird is red. (blue bird)
    2.The noise is long. (noise short)
    3.The broom is long. (broom short)
    4.The snowman have three bottom. (two bottom)
    5.The cheminea has lot smoke. (some smoke)
    6.The window no had light. (window has light)
    7.The dog is dark brown. (dog light brown)
    8.The paws is of the dog are white. (paws browm)
    9.The foot prints on the snowing. (no has foot prints)
    10.The trees are taller. (shorter trees)

  3. Compare and Contrast

    1- The bird is red in the first picture and the other picture is (blue).
    2- The smokestack has lot smoke and the other picture is (some smoke).
    3- The noise is long and the other picture is (short).
    4- The broom is long and the other picture is (short).
    5- The foot print on the snowing and the other picture is (nothing foot print).
    6- In the window not have a light and the other picture have a light.
    7- The tail dog is white and the other picture the (tail is brown).
    8- The mouth is open wide and the other picture the (mouth is small open).
    9- The hat is seeds and the other picture is not have (seeds).
    10- The dog is brown and the other picture the (dog is light brown).
