Monday, August 6, 2012

How are you feeling today?

You are the voice for each character.  Write what you are thinking.  Why do you feel this way?


  1. I felt so (worried) about how (tired) I am. I worked so hard that make me (sweaty) and the same time I feel my self (dizzy). This is great now I am (sick). The sickness make me (crazy). Time is not running I am (bored). I feel (upset) and I have to do the laundry.

  2. Very Good.
    Few corrections were made.
    Text revision:
    I worked so hard that it made me (sweaty) and at the same time I felt dizzy).
    This is great, now I am (sick).
    The sickness makes me (crazy).

  3. How are you feeling today?

    You are the voice for each character. Write what you are thinking. Why do you feel this way?

    I'm so worried about my debts.
    I am so tired that I do not finish the job today.
    Doing so hot that I am bathed in sweat.
    I feel dizzy.
    I am sick, I have a fever, chills, and my head hurts.
    With a day full of problems, I think I'll go crazy.
    After such a busy day I feel bored.
    My stomach hurts for spending so much time without eating.
    Yet to complete my day I have to do laundry.
